Tuesday, August 2, 2016

H+C=true inspiring love

These are my parents, Herman and Clara. I am reading a book called The Unveiled Wife with a group of people on Facebook. We are only on chapter 2 but it has gotten me thinking about this wonderful couple. 
One of the questions to reflect on for that chapter is "In what ways has your parents' relationship shaped your character?"  The other one that got me thinking about them was, "What behaviors-both good and bad- do you have that you recognize as by-products of your childhood?"
First of all, my parents had the best marriage I could ever have the honor of looking up to.  As I reflect on this they had the best examples as well, no wonder they had it so together.  
Mom and Dad were married July 30, 1966 and their marriage was inspirational from day one.  They were ALWAYS together.  They went to so many church dinners etc up until Dad couldn't transfer Mom as easy anymore.  I don't ever remember them going to functions separately.  I even remember Dad telling Mom, "I really want to go to (some function) but you aren't going with me so I don't really want to go."  Dad often didn't go somewhere because he wanted mom to go along and she couldn't or wasn't invited.  I'm that way now too.  I don't like to go somewhere without Tom.  Although I do enjoy being alone from time to time.  LOL
They worked side-by-side on the farm.  If we were working on the farm together all day (often baling hay) dad would take us out to eat that night.  "Mom worked hard for/with me all day she deserves the time off."  He didn't always give a gift for special occasions, but he gave her little gifts and showed his appreciation often.
I always enjoyed watching them dance together.  They moved as one unit.  Dad was much taller than Mom and I don't ever remember them stepping on each other's toes.  What I wouldn't do to watch them glide across the floor just one more time.
I remember in November of 2014 Dad had to go to the hospital for his heart.  (His pacemaker had shocked him in July and he didn't do anything about it.  Didn't tell anyone but my one brother, who thought it was no big deal.)  We stopped at the nursing home to tell mom what was going on.  She was in tears.  I left the room to give them some time.  When dad got out of the hospital he didn't go directly to her at the home, but she knew he was home and ok.  I took him to the home a few days later.  When we walked in she was napping.  When she opened her eyes it was like young lovers looking at each other.  I felt like a third wheel.  LOL
That look happened a lot between them.  
When we were all called to the Nursing Home because the end was near for mom he didn't want to leave the room.  We had a hard time convincing him that she would be ok.  I sat with the two of them one day during that time.  Dad sat by her bed, head in his hands, and prayed.  He kept touching her and whispering to her.  I took a photo of this but it doesn't even begin to show the emotion that I could feel in that room.  (I have only shared that photo with one person because I feel it is so personal.)  Mom left us on Febr. 6, 2015.  Dad would never be quite the same.
I almost forgot to include Dad's last act of love for Mom.  As we were planning the funeral with the director Dad looked at him with tears in his eyes and asked if he could push mom in and out of church one last time.  He had been pushing her in the wheelchair for a few years and felt the need to push her one more time.  He also asked if he could put something in the casket with her.  The mortician agreed to both requests.  Right before they closed the casket dad put a small Snicker bar in mom's hands.  With all the strength he could bring to the surface during the time of his greatest sorrow he pushed the casket up the aisle of the church (which mind you is no small church) before the Mass and back out of church for his one last act of love.  The sight alone brought many people to tears.
Shortly after Mom died Dad was in the hospital.  He kept telling us something wasn't right.  The doctors couldn't find anything wrong with him.  They even told my brother, "there is such a thing as a broken heart." He insisted he was good enough to be at home, but we were worried.  We tried to convince him to go to Assisted Living, but he just couldn't do it.  In July of 2015 he fell and fractured his pelvis.  Then he had no choice.  In September we celebrated his 79th birthday.  It was a beautiful day with his brother and sisters there.  On December 4 he joined mom in heaven.  I truly believe that he couldn't/wouldn't celebrate Christmas without mom.  
As for the by products of their love, I hope I'm living with even half the dedication and love of my husband that they had for each other.  Dad did have a bad habit of clamming up or suddenly being quiet when he felt he wasn't being heard or getting his way.  I've now been told I do the same thing.  So I guess that's something I need to work on.
All I know is that I hope when I'm gone people will be saying the beautiful things about my marriage that people have been saying about my parents.  When a person who only knew them for a couple months says, "I can only dream and hope that my marriage is as strong as theirs after 49 years."  
They weren't here on earth to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary about a week ago, but we gathered anyway and celebrated for them.  Yes...their love continues.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Be Careful What You Say

Before I officially start this blog let me just say a couple things:  
1.  IF you are not religious or like reading religious things STOP now!  
2. I know the person did not mean to hurt my feelings, rather she meant to help.  I am NOT mad at her and know she meant well.  
3.  This may be long.  
4.  This is actually the second time I am writing this.  I started on my phone and accidentally erased the whole thing.  I know, I know save.  I will do that right now.
I am usually not one to get offended easily and actually it took me a couple days to process what happened and come to terms with what happened.
I am always looking to expand my religion and what I believe and why.  I enjoy talking with people about my faith (can you tell).  I live like my Grandmother did..."never go to bed without learning something new".
I was talking with a lady the other day about Breanna and how she has strengthened my faith.  I mean some times that's all I have to help me get through the day/hour/minute/second.  Some days I am praying every hour/minute/second.  I have to believe God has a plan and I have to trust in that plan.
I was telling her that I have often thought of taking Breanna to a healing Mass.  She asked me where I was thinking of taking her.  I told her a town nearby., but I was worried about taking her to a different church. After all she has issues in our church going there every weekend.  This lady recommended a priest who is actually located in a parish near my hometown.  This was very interesting to me.  I may look into that more.
Now here is where I was challenged.  Let me just say once again she didn't mean anything by her comments, but they really threw me for a loop.
She told me that I should have Breanna prayed over.  She also told me we should have a generational healing done.  God does not make people handicapped, we do it by our sins or the sins of our ancestors.  I didn't know what to say.
It has taken me years to make myself believe Breanna is not the way she is because of something I did.  Now here is this person telling me it might be my fault.  Talk about one step forward and two steps back.
Now I believe God has been preparing me for Breanna for a long time.  Here are my reasons.  
1.  I was going to go to college and be a music teacher.  My band teacher talked me out of it.  
2.  I was in college for Elementary Education only.  A Special Education instructor came and in told us about being a Special Education teacher and I added that major.  
3.  I did A LOT of respite care for many children with many different handicaps.  
4.  Most of my teaching career has been Special Education. 
All those experiences gave me many different ideas and methods that I can use with Breanna now.
I have thought about this conversation for a while now.  I know she didn't mean to upset me.  She is a person I admire and look up to.  Her ideas and belief are what I would love to have and I love to learn from.
To me Breanna is not a curse or someone God is punishing me with. Ok on bad days I may feel a bit different but I am only human. She blesses me in so many ways that it's hard to explain. I look to Breanna for an example of unconditional love. She doesn't care that you just yelled at her for breaking your favorite item she will give you and smile and the best hug in the world. She has the most awesome smile that just melts the hardest heart. Her hugs are the deepest most heartfelt hugs you can ever experience.  Because of her I am more patient, and understanding of others. You can't see everyone's burdens or trials be nice anyway. Because of her I feel I am a better person.  
I also see how she affects others. Especially her dad and brother. I don't know if I would have seen the patience and understanding those two can show without her. They both love her and I know she loves them. She gets soooo excited when they come home.  
She is a blessing, not a curse.  While I do believe having her prayed over and for is helpful I do not believe that her condition is due to so sin of someone else. God doesn't punish, I know some of you would say there are examples in the bible of him punishing someone. Yes but look how bad those offenses were and he gave them signs to change their ways.   God will help me, like He always has. Carrying me if He needs to. 
Here is what I want you to take from this.  Please be very careful what you say to different people. Especially to someone who is struggling with their life or situation already.  Make sure what you say is supportive and its not going to  hurt them in some way.  Again I am not hurt and I am probably stronger because of this encounter. It made me look at my faith and what I believe closer. It made me write this to share with all of you. As the saying goes....God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good.